What is this?

If you have propogate plants this is for you!!

The HAP program allows for you to get recognized for your talents along with hopefully making some money on your hobby, we all know how expensive this hobby can get. So read the full rules on below and bring in your submissions to participate.

HAP submissions are auctioned off at our meeting. The club keeps $1 and you get the rest. We instituted a minimum bid for all submissions turned in  of $6.00. How this will work is bids start off at $6.00 and if we don’t get the initial $6.00 bid it’s up to the seller if they want to either take the plant home or allow the bidding to continue at a lower price. Anyone turning in plants for HAP points will still get the points even if you choose to take the plant home and stop the bid process. No more “buck a bag” for that hard work you’ve put in. 

If you've raised something that you really don't want to sell we recently allow for you to now make turn ins without auctioning it off. Instead you are required to document the process including water parameters, food, fertilization, origin of parent, and make a presentation on it at our November meeting. This doesn't have to be long but someone should both see your process and be able to replicate it. In addition, we require a short write up on the plant including a bit about their history and origin along with the above process to propogate them. This is supposed to feel like a bit of work. The main reason the HAP was started was to "spread the wealth" and be able to share cool plants among the club while recovering some of your cost. But if you have plants that are just too expensive and you don't want to sell them at a club meeting you can meet these guidelines instead. 

Annual Points

P. Mike Kazarovich 20

George Hollister 10

Dan & Vi McMonigle 10

Total Points

The Rules 

(1) Plants must conform to the following definition of an aquatic plant: An aquatic plant is one which, in the wild or native state, can be found in the submerged or floating form as a normal occurrence at some time during the course of any one complete season.

(2) Noxious, illegal or invasive species on local, state or Federal lists are prohibited.

(3) Plant reproduction must take place in the aquarist’s own tank or pond.

(4) Plants are to be identified by the aquarist and only true identified plants (not color variations or hybrids) will be accepted.

(5) Unidentified species will be assigned a code number for recording purposes until correctly identified. Points will be awarded only if reference can be made to a published photo, or if two (2) colored photos of a fully developed specimen are submitted for retention in the HAP files.

(6) The book “Aquarium Plants, Their Identification, Cultivation, and Ecology” by Rataj and Horeman will be the main source of identification for most plant species.

(7) 10 points will be awarded, once per species for reproduction and once per species for flowering as shown in the categories of rule Number 14.

(8) Points will be awarded to the member and the member must be in good standing

(9) In case of a family membership, points will be awarded to the family only.

(10) Reproductions must be presented to the HAP chairperson for permanent record and auction.

(11) The HAP registration form must contain the scientific name, as well as the aquarist’s name.

(12) Flowerings must be reported to the HAP chairperson for visit verification by the HAP chairperson or his/her designated representative. If impossible to visit, dated color photographs will be accepted with prior approval from the HAP chairperson.

(13) Plants are to be properly bagged and clearly labeled with the scientific name and type of reproduction, the aquarist’s name and the HAP number from the registration form.

(14) There are four (4) categories of plant reproduction and the requirements are as follows:

Category A Floating and Bunch Plants

Floating plants is doubling of the original amount; Bunch is determined by the root count of growing stems for bunch plants.

Category B Reproduction by runner or tuber

One healthy plant that is capable of living independently from the parent while the parent plant is still alive and in good health. Bunch type plants are not allowed in this category.

Category C Flowering

Points will be given for aquatic plants that flower. Verification must be done while the plant is in full bloom and attached to the aquarists own plant in his/her own aquarium or pond.

Category D Reproduce sexually

One plant reproduced by sexual means from the aquarists own plant. Seeds and reproduced plants must be from the aquarists own plant, not from a supplier or breeder.